Add Shared Parameter(s) from txt
1. Description
Adding shared parameters to a project is often a pain because you can’t batch add them through Revit’s user interface. This node (together with the SharedParameters from txt file) allows you to use the “.txt” shared parameters file and gives a simple user interface, where you can pick the parameters you’re interested in and set the categories the parameters are bound to. It’s important to be able to refer to a “.txt” file because it’s the only way to ensure the parameters will have the same GUID, and that they will actually be “shared”.
2. Inputs
Sets the categories the parameters are bound to.
Add Shared Parameter(s) from txt uses the parameters extracted by “SharedParameters from txt file” node which returns the Revit parameters contained in a shared parameter .txt file and their names.
Parameter Groups
Is Instance Parameter ?
3. Outputs
Last updated